Nonrestoring Division Calculation
The division operation is carried away by assuming fractional numbers. The Non-Restoring division algorithm is shown below. Initially R is set equal to N and n is the data width. The operands are in two’s compliment form where MSB bit is the signed bit. In Non-Restoring divider, quotient take the digit set {-1,1}. At the output, a conversion is needed to get the actual output.
Non-Restoring Division Algorithm Algorithm
Non-Restoring algorithm is shown with an example. An example of Non-Restoring division is below for N = 0.5 (0.100) and D = -0.75 (1.010). Here n is equal to 4.
Non-Restoring Division Algorithm Example
Thus the output is 0.q1q2q3 = 0.-1-11. To get the actual output an on-the-fly conversion is needed.
- First mask bits for -1 . That is Q1 = 0.001.
- Then assign Q2 as Q2 = 0.110.
- Subtract Q2 from Q1 to get the actual result. That is Q = 1.011 (-0.625).
Algorithm A
ValuesBit Length m 4Iteration n 3Dividend X or N 0000.1000 = 0.5Divisior D 0000.1100 = 0.75Divisior -D 1111.0100 = -0.75r0 0000.10002r0 0001.0000 q0 = 1Add -D 1111.0100r1 0000.01002r1 0000.1000 q1 = 1Add -D 1111.0100r2 1111.11002r2 1111.1000 q2 = -1Add D 0000.1100r3 0000.0100
Algorithm B
ValuesBit Length m 3Iteration n 4Dividend X or N 0000.1000 = 0.5Divisior D 0000.1100 = 0.75Divisior -D 1111.0100 = -0.75r0 0000.10002r0 0001.0000 q0 = 1Add -D 1111.0100r1 0000.01002r1 0000.1000 q1 = 0r2 0000.10002r2 0001.0000 q2 = 1Add -D 1111.0100r3 0000.0100
R = r3 * 2-3 = 0000.0100 * 2-3 =0.25 * 2-3 = 0.03125Q = 0.11-1 = 0.625X = Q * D + R = 0.625 * 0.75 + 0.03125 = 0.5Execution Time = ~0 msOperation Count (Addition/Subtraction) = 3
R = r4 * 2-4 = 0000.0100 * 2-4 =0.25 * 2-4 = 0.015625Q = 0.101 = 0.625X = Q * D + R = 0.625 * 0.75 + 0.015625 = 0.484375Execution Time = ~0 msOperation Count (Addition/Subtraction) = 2